Monday, February 25, 2008


Jennifer M. Dillner
Vinyl, Foam, Elastic, Snaps
2' x 3' x 2'

This piece is the beginning of an
exploration in which I deal more with the essential qualities of clothing. I am thinking about how far away from clothing could I make an object and have it still read clothing to a viewer. What about clothing tells a person that it is clothing? Is it an armhole? Is it a buckle or a zipper? These are the questions that I am driving at. This has to do more expressly with the language of clothing. I am working to pare down what clothing actually speaks of and address this in my work. The idea of a society in which we cover ourselves based more on current fashion trends than necessity also has issue in my work.

I am creating objects that blur the lines between clothing, fashion and functional tools or gear – asking the questions of why do we need what we need and to what purpose are we seeking our coverings.

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