Monday, February 25, 2008


Jennifer M. Dillner
Vinyl, Foam, Elastic, Snaps
2' x 3' x 2'

This piece is the beginning of an
exploration in which I deal more with the essential qualities of clothing. I am thinking about how far away from clothing could I make an object and have it still read clothing to a viewer. What about clothing tells a person that it is clothing? Is it an armhole? Is it a buckle or a zipper? These are the questions that I am driving at. This has to do more expressly with the language of clothing. I am working to pare down what clothing actually speaks of and address this in my work. The idea of a society in which we cover ourselves based more on current fashion trends than necessity also has issue in my work.

I am creating objects that blur the lines between clothing, fashion and functional tools or gear – asking the questions of why do we need what we need and to what purpose are we seeking our coverings.

Monday, February 4, 2008


Posting information about your work:

In the Title box at the top - put the title of your piece.

In the composing box:

Provide a brief description about your work.

Provide the basic information about work as followed:

Title - Bold the title
Your Name
Date - do not include month or day, just the year
Materials - height x width x depth - e.g. 72"x45"x35" - use " for inches and ' for feet.

Please do not change font, size and color of text. If you cut and paste your writing form another source you will need to change the font to Trebuchet, and size to small or you can clear the formating with the little eraser in the menu bar.

Post 2 images of your work. One full view and the other a detail. A third image may be included if the work has multiple sides or is time based.
Images should be approximately 1024 ppi (pixels per inch) in either direction. All images resolution should be 72ppi.

You may also include a video clip.

examples can be found at the Advanced Sculpture site -